Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Gun Control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Gun Control - Research Paper Example Crime rates have gone up drastically due to easy access to all manner of handguns, rifles, and automatic weapons. California has recorded a drastic increase in drug-related crimes, robberies, and rape in the past years due to gun possession. Moreover, gun owners feel they have the right to threaten, control, and mishandle other citizens using their weapons. Thus, is it necessary to illegalize possession of guns in California because they cause unnecessary deaths, more crimes and lawlessness, and increased violence in the society. Misuse of weapons leads to 50% of gun related incidences in the form of crimes and gun related lawlessness. In 2009, robbers, burglars, rapists, and drug criminals had easy access to weapons, leading to gang violence, intimidation, breaking of laws, and controlling the other people (Editorial 3). Citizens lived in fear due to rowdy criminals who can access handguns easily and threaten people’s lives. Massive access to different types of handguns, automatic rifles, and machine guns, has made it hard for police to keep up with combating crime in the state of California. Crimes happening in homes, schools, places, of work and on the streets due to guns increased by the day before enforcement of gun laws. Moreover, some gun owners take advantage of the situation and believe they have the right to end someone’s life, cause harm, and intimidate the person on the slightest provocation. Additionally, once guns are in circulation, they end up in the possession of wrong people w ho do not hesitate to use them on innocent citizens. Furthermore, once in possession of guns, criminals gain power over their victims and can inflict all sorts of harm including rape, and death. This power also has resulted in increased organized crimes as the criminals take advantage that they have guns to protect themselves and kill anyone against them. Nevertheless, misuse of weapons has decreased rapidly

Monday, October 28, 2019

Theology of Community Essay Example for Free

Theology of Community Essay In this paper, I am going to share my ideas of theology. I believe that one of the biggest mistakes I made in the past was that I was afraid of being rejected, so I wrote a theology paper and tried to give the previous COM what I thought they wanted to hear instead of what was truly inside of me. Fortunately for me, even though I was not given a green light in order to see the Eccleastical Council, I was licensed to preach and this gave me time to wrestle with my theology and helped me to see where I stood on these very important areas of Christian faith. I want to briefly mention that although I have a lot of respect for liberation theologians, I disagree with them in one key area. Many liberation theologians start off with their experiences, and then look to the bible and interpret it. I believe that theology must start off with the Bible because it is the best source of information about who God is, who Jesus is, and what the early church was like. I do believe that the Church should speak out when there is injustice. However, it comes from a belief that we should treat others as if we see Jesus in them (see Matt 25:31-46). I refer to my personal theology as the â€Å"Theology of Community†. I reject this modern notion that Jesus is my â€Å"personal savior† because it highlights the rampant individualism in America. We are so consumer driven in the United States that if we have to wait more than two minutes in a drive-thru in order to get our food, we get upset. I believe that Jesus saves us from our selfishness, and self-destructive behavior; but that He draws us in to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Overview I see the entire Bible, both the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Testament, as a story about how God is constantly reaching out to human beings with the intent of having a relationship with us. Many years ago, in my early twenties, a minister introduced a concept that I still draw upon. He used a diagram of a triangle. At the top of the triangle is God, and at the bottom two points were supposed to be the husband and wife. The idea being that as you draw closer to God, then the married couple would actually be closer to each other. If you are less selfish and willing to serve your spouse in love, then your relationship will (in theory) grow and become stronger. What I have done is to apply this to all relationships within the church. There is a tendency within churches for people to think that their way of doing things is right, and if you don’t agree then you are somehow bad; or at least you are a nuisance that should be shunned or ignored. We as human beings tend to want to be around people that are like us, who think like us, talk like us, and have the same opinion on virtually everything. Yet, if you look at the makeup of the group of disciples that followed Jesus, this is not the case at all. For the sake of brevity I will point out only two: Judas the Zealot and Matthew the tax collector. The zealots hated the Romans so badly that they were willing to take up arms against the Romans, yet the tax collectors were willing to collect money from their fellow Jews and give it to the Romans. Both groups were represented at the table during the Last Supper. It would be a refreshing thing if that kind of diversity was truly experienced today in our modern churches. I am heavily influenced by the theology of Karl Barth and somewhat by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I would also credit people like Hans Frei and George Lindbeck and the â€Å"post-liberal† movement; which some also know as â€Å"narrative theology†. In the writings of Frei and Lindbeck they talk about how liberal theology tends to focus on the experience of a believer more than on the scriptures. They also point out that conservatives responded to modernity by holding fast to the Bible and forming a more literal view of the scriptures. The view that they promote is what Lindbeck calls the â€Å"cultural/linguistic† approach. I felt very comfortable with this way of looking at the scriptures because if you rely too much on your own personal experience, then what kind of standard do you have? If you take the Bible literally, then how can you deal with issues like a person being swallowed by a whale, or saying that the earth is only six to seven thousand years old, when science says it is billions of years old? I have found that by avoiding the extremes of either side that the truth is usually in-between the two. I. God I don’t believe that we know everything about God. There are many things that we don’t know about the Divine. What we do know is what God has chosen to reveal. This self-revelation is done freely by God, without any coercion by anyone. Karl Barth put it this way: â€Å"God’s being, or truth, is the event of his self-disclosure, his radiance as the Lord of all lords, the hallowing of his name, the coming of his kingdom, the fulfillment of his will in all his work.† [1] Professor Barth often in his speeches refers to God as the â€Å"God of the Gospel†, and our best source of knowledge about God is Jesus Christ. We know that God is loving, kind, and compassionate because we have the written testimony of the Apostles that say that is how Jesus was. As Barth’s theology is very Christocentric, mine is as well. I would also point out that throughout the Hebrew Bible God used many prophets, judges, and teachers to reach out to humanity; and ultimately sent Jesus to reach out to people. So it is ultimately God who initiates the relationship between God and people. II. Imago Dei and our gifts In Genesis 1:26-27 the Bible talks about how we are made in the image of God, or have what is known as the Imago Dei. Some people would say that this means that human beings have a conscious, and live at a level that is more complex than just living on mere instinct. I believe that there is more to it than that. Romans 12:6 says that â€Å"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.† In other words, as you read the rest of the chapter you can see how each of the different gifts given to people can be used to edify and strengthen other people. We were created to be a blessing to other people, and those other people were created to live in harmony with you. III. Sin When we focus on our own needs, and we ignore the plight of the people around us; then we are living in a way that is contrary to the will of God. Dietrich Bonhoeffer referred to sin as selfishness, and Karl Barth said that the root of sin is pride. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus talked about how the Pharisees and tax collectors did some things that on the surface appeared to be good, but if you looked at their heart you realize the ulterior motive. Matthew 5:46-47 says, â€Å"If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?† In other words, if you are helping someone because you are getting something back, in reality it was more of an investment than truly being helpful. It is not as malicious as stealing or killing someone, but it is not what you could call â€Å"unconditional love† either. IV. Christology Where liberals tend to focus on how we should follow the example of Jesus’ life and ministry, and conservatives tend to focus on the blood atonement, and how you can’t have a relationship with God without the shed blood of Christ; my response is Yes! I agree with both sides on this, and do not think that they contradict one another. Jesus is our example of how we should live. He was willing to engage with people that disagreed with him (John chapter 3). He treated women with dignity and respect (John chapter 4). Jesus brought healing and wholeness to a crippled man (John 5:1-15). Jesus cared for the crowds of people and wanted to feed them and meet their needs (John 6:1-15). Jesus also was a servant leader, who was willing to wash the feet of his disciples in order to make a point (John 13:1-17), that we should serve one another. However, Jesus was also known as the â€Å"Lamb of God† (John 1:29). He fulfilled the prophecies about the Messiah, notably what was in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 dealing with the suffering servant. There has to be a balance between the two points of view because if you go too far to the left, you can forget what makes Jesus different from other religious teachers; and if you go too far to the right and focus too much on the hereafter, then you ignore the needs of the people around you and are no good to anyone in the here and now. Or as some would say, â€Å"They are so heavenly minded that they are not any earthly good.† I would say that this is not an either/or situation but a â€Å"both/and†, which is a phrase that our Lutheran friends use often. If we are to be the United Church of Christ, then in my mind our theology should be Christ centered. Karl Barth stated it in this way, â€Å"The object of theology is, in fact, Jesus Christ. This means, however, that it is the history of the fulfillment of the covenant between God and man.†

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Habits That Hinder Thinking :: essays research papers fc

John and Julie, your two best friends, have just read an article about the death penalty. It explains the reasons why death by lethal injection is a legitimate punishment for certain crimes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As Julie reads the article, she strongly agrees with what the author has to say. â€Å"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,† she imagines. Without examining the ideas that are involved, she’s satisfied with everything the article says because, â€Å"It’s only fair.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John, on the other hand, is deeply offended before he’s even finished reading the article. He leans heavily on the feeling that God has the only power to decide someone’s fate, not man. â€Å"It’s not right to interfere with another person’s existence on Earth,† he thinks to himself as he keeps reading.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What Julie and John don’t know is that they’ve both used some habits that hinder thinking to come up with their opinions. They both had strong initial feelings about the death penalty. And they both finished with those same feelings because they were the most satisfying. But Julie and John failed to try to learn about their opposing opinion. Without even realizing it, they both became victims of thobbing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Henshaw Ward termed thobbing for considering and evaluating ideas. â€Å"The term combines the th from thinking, the o from opinion, and the b from believing† (qtd. in Ruggiero 53). You can be aware of when you are thobbing by paying close attention to your initial opinions, especially the ones that are very strong.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many habits that can hinder one’s thinking, causing their mind to fall victim to thobbing. Julie and John both used conformity and resistance to change, and rationalizing habits when coming up with an opinion about the death penalty article.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In The Art of Thinking, Ruggiero states that â€Å"harmful conformity is what we do instead of thinking in order to belong to a group or to avoid the risk of being different. Such conformity is an act of cowardice, a sacrifice of indepedence for a lesser good(49).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Julie and John may have been conforming when they developed their opinions about the article on the death penalty. They had probably dealt with the argument before and were exposed to other people’s opinions. Then when they came across this article, they were most satisfied with the belief they were familiar with. They remembered the other people’s attitudes and conformed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John belongs to a church where he practices his belief in Christianity.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Tempest: Allegorical to the Bible Essay examples -- English Litera

The Tempest: Allegorical to the Bible The Tempest is not a pure fantasy tale, but a purposeful allegory. The characters in the play are all representative of characters found in the bible. The first, and perhaps most persuasive, arguement would be Prospero symbolizing God. Prospero is seen to be a representative of God for several reasons. First, he is obviously in control of the actions and has an omnipotent quality. This has been demonstrated by several scenes throughout the play. Consider the power that Prospero possesses, as shown in the Epilogue at the closing of the play: I have bedimmed The mooontide sun, called forth the mutinous winds, And 'twixt the green sea and the azured vault Set roaring war. . . . The strong-based promontory Have I made shake, and by the spurs plucked up The pine and cedar. Graves, at my command, Have waked their sleepers, oped and let them forth By my so potent art (V. i. 41-4, 46-50). These are obviously superhuman works. In fact, Prospero claims quite definitely that he possesses the power of mighty Zeus himself, for not only does he say that he can make lightning, but he declares that he has actually used the god's own thunderbolt (Still 6): To the dread rattling thunder Have I given fire, and rifted Jove's stout oak With his own bolt. Having already established that Prospero is the possessor of superhuman power, why would Shakespeare include this information except solely for alligorical purposes (Still 7)? This information serves no purpose except to establish Prospero as a god. Prospero is also seen in the play performing several roles that Christianity traditionally assign to God: that of the Omnipotent Judge and the Savior of Man. Prospero is revealed to be the Omnipotent Judge through a speech given by Ariel (Still 7): . . . . I and my fellows Are ministers of Fate. . . . The powers, delaying, not forgetting, have Incensed the seas and shores, yea, all the creatures Against your peace. . . and do pronounce by me Lingering perdition, worse than any death Can be at one, shall step by step attend You and your ways; whose wraths to guard you from, Which here, in the most desolate isle, else falls Upon your heads, is nothing, but heart's sorrow, And a clear life ensuing. Shakespeare tells us, through Ariel, that Prospero can pass sentance of lingering perdition, but whose mercy can be ga... ...he exile from the garden of Eden story in the Bible. Both involve two characters who are tempted with great power and knowlege by an evil being--Satan. Both are successfully tempted by the evil foce; both eventually suffer for their choices. "The Tempest", by William Shakespeare, is a very interesting and entertaining story when viewed by its face value. However, when one analyzes the characters, settings, and situations, one realizes the deeper meaning intended by Shakespeare in composing the drama. Through his creation of the island microcosm, which is ruled by Prospero and undermined by Caliban, the Bard creates a masterful work which glorifies a merciful God, who will forgive sins through repentance. In "The Tempest", Shakespeare creates a story that is valuable for more than just entertainment purposes--he creates a work of art. Works Cited Still, Colin. Shakespeare's Mystery Play: A Study of "The Tempest". Cecil Palmer, 1921. Knight, Wilson G. The Crown of Life: Essays in Interpretation of Shakespeare's Final Plays. Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1947. Leech, Clifford. Shakespeare's Tragedies and Other Studies in Seventeenth Century Drama. Chatto and Windus, 1950.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marcus Garvey Research Paper Essay

Post-Civil war America exercised the segregation of Whites and Blacks. Originally, the aim of this division was to keep everything separate but equal. By the late 1800’s into the 1900’s, the â€Å"separate but equal† motive adapted into the superiority of Whites, leaving much racial tension and limitation for the freed slaves and their ancestors. Marcus Garvey, like many social activists, had many goals to either remove this separation, or to completely relocate America’s blacks to a new place of their own. Marcus Garvey’s ideas of black nationalism and fighting oppression helped shape the identity of African Americans in the United States during the 1920’s. Marcus Garvey was born on August 17, 1887 in St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica. He began his career as a magazine editor by traveling and residing in Costa Rica, Panama, Jamaica, and London. He eventually began studying Law and Philosophy at Birkbeck College in London. While living in London, he founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA), which was dedicated to black racial pride, economic self-sufficiency, and the formation of an independent black nation in Africa. He also became the editor of Negro World, a magazine dedicated to black nationalism, including poetry and articles about African pride and ancestry. In June 1919, Garvey founded the Black Star Line of Delaware, a shipping line for the transportation of goods and to later aid his campaign for his â€Å"Back to Africa† movement. After a year of success, the shipping line went bankrupt. His immediate business failure led him to being accused of mail fraud. Investigator Edwin P. Kilroe attempted to arrest Garvey of his fraud and UNIA associations, although he had not found enough evidence to do so. After back and forth tension between Kilroe and Garvey, on October 1919 a man named George Tyler arrived to Garvey’s office stating â€Å"Kilroe sent me†. Tyler then proceeded to shoot him 4 times with a . 38-caliber revolver. Garvey was then wounded in the right leg and scalp. On August 1, 1920, Garvey proposed his Liberia Program to 25,000 people. This program was to strive for the building of colleges, industry, and railroads to create a permanent homeland for the African Americans in Liberia, Africa. In June 1923, Garvey was finally convicted of mail fraud and sentenced to five years in prison. In 1927 he was released by President Coolige, but deported back to Jamaica. Garvey finished out his years in London, creating the Edelweiss Amusement Company which helped exposed talented but financially unstable musicians and artists. He continued to expose his ideas to future UNIA leaders by setting up an African philosophy school in Toronto. In 1940, Garvey had a stroke, but survived until he read a false obituary of himself stating he had died â€Å"broke, alone, and unpopular†, thus leading to his fatal second stroke. Marcus Garvey died on June 10, 1940. Garvey’s main ideas were closely distinguished with the Pan-African movement in England, where he lived most of his life. His goals were â€Å"to unify people of color against imperialism all over the world† (McKissack 79) Works Cited McKissack, Patricia and Frederick. W. E. B Dubois. New York: Franklin Watt, 1990. â€Å"Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)†. Encyclop? dia Britannica. Encyclop? dia Britannica Online. Encyclop? dia Britannica Inc. , 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2013 .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Word Choice Cent, Scent or Sent

Word Choice Cent, Scent or Sent Word Choice: Cent, Scent or Sent? It can be tricky to know which word to use, especially when using homophones (words that sound the same as one another). Understandably, some people mix up the words cent, scent and sent. Today, we explain what each one means and when you should use them. Cent (A Penny) The word cent is pronounced with a soft c that sounds like an s. It comes from the Latin word centum, meaning one hundred. It first started being used as a noun for currency in 1786. Since then, it has always referred to a coin worth one hundredth of a dollar: I’m really struggling for money. I’m down to my last cent. Scent (A Smell) The c in this word is silent. It comes from the Latin sentire, meaning sense. It is a noun meaning odor and is almost always applied to pleasant smells, such as perfume or flowers: The roses had such a lovely scent that she fell in love at once. Scent can also be used as a verb, especially when referring to an animals sense of smell. For example: The shark scented the blood in the water. Sent (Dispatched) Sent is the past tense of the verb send, which means dispatch. This word comes from the Old English sendam, which means send forth, throw or impel: I sent my Great-Aunt a chocolate cake through the mail. Cent, Scent or Sent? Hopefully this has cleared up the meanings of these terms a bit! Remember: Cent is a term for currency (one hundredth of a dollar) Scent  is to do with smells and the sense of smell Sent is the past tense of send and means dispatched Happy writing!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Adolescent abortion essays

Adolescent abortion essays Less then twenty-five years ago, any women who elected to terminate her pregnancy usually had to resort to illegal, unsanitary, and unsafe means. Abortion was frequently considered a criminal offense committed by the woman and the physician performing the procedure. The Supreme Court cases leading to the legalization of abortion began in 1963 with Griswold v. Connecticut. The court invalidated a Connecticut statute that made possession and use of contraceptives by married couples a criminal offense. The case of Griswold was later expanded to encompass the womans right not only to prevent but also to terminate her pregnancy. In the case of Roe v. Wade, the court held that state regulation of womans access to abortion at all times during her pregnancy is impermissible. In finding unconstitutional a Texas statute that did not allow abortion unless it was performed to save the mothers life, the Court eliminated most restrictions on an adult womans right to an abortion. According to the book, abortion data are difficult to collect , and national statistics can only be considered estimates. The figures included in this paper are primarily based on the data provided by the Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI). AGI data are based on national surveys of health institutions and private physicians providing abortion services. Today, about 40% of the 1.1 million pregnancies of females under the age of twenty annually are terminated by induced abortions. Nearly one-third of all abortions are done on women under the age of twenty. (Melton, 1986:41) A substantial number and proportion of abortions are obtained by teenagers. In 1981 more than 1 in 4 of the estimated 1,577,340 abortions performed were to teenagers; 6 out of 10 to 15-19 year olds were to teenagers 18-19 years of age. The chart that I included on the following page lists the number and distribution of legal abortions, abortion rates per 1,000 wo...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Magwitchs Signifigance in Great Expectations Essays

Magwitchs Signifigance in Great Expectations Essays Magwitchs Signifigance in Great Expectations Paper Magwitchs Signifigance in Great Expectations Paper Essay Topic: Great Expectations Magwitch thought that Pip was a pathetic child who could not be trusted, but when he returned with the food and files he would have trusted him and start to like him when Pip says he is glad he has enjoyed the food. When Magwitch reappears in Chapter 39 revealing that it was he that sent Pip the money, making him rich. He did so because he was grateful for Pips kindness and thinks that money will give him status and therefore power, The Reader may consider whether the money was ever actually a good thing. As an adult the money have made him smug because he isnt used to living life as a rich person. It makes him think hes a better person. He uses it to try and gain Estellas respect. He turns his back on his family. Eventually he becomes unhappy, which is ironic because Magwitch only had good intentions. Pips resent towards Magwitch when he first comes back and that he was the money sender may be because of this. But when Magwitch appears in court it becomes more and more obvious that Pip wants to treat him with respect. This is brave of him because as rich person with high social status you are not expected to be friends with a working class convoy. Although Dickens may not have intentionally done so every time, there are frequently similarities between Magwitch and other characters, which not only give us different ways to interpret the story but also can also simply help readers understand the characters better. Early on in the novel we begin to compare Magwitch to Pip. Pip is obviously terrified of Magwitch but the way Pip is threatened by him so fiercely almost makes it seem as if he is fearful himself. Both Pip and Magwitch experience the feeling of desperation but they deal with it in different ways. Pip knows that his life depends on bringing Magwitch the food and the file but he appears rushed and slightly impatient, because he takes the wrong turn. Magwitch is patient; he appears to have been waiting all night for the food. When he has the food, however he shows great desperation in the way he rushes through it. Magwitch later shows himself to be loyal because he returns and sends him money. Pip has almost forgotten about him and seems ungrateful on the other hand. At this point in a way they are both rich, yet Magwitch has earned the money himself, when Pip does nothing to become the way he is now. We are able to make comparisons with Magwitch and other characters now because we are further on in the book. Like him, Joe is loyal towards Pip, despite being treated badly. They both remain working class throughout the story and are both very hard workers. Like Magwitch, Miss Haversham has a person taken form her. This impacts their lives greatly. They try to almost substitute this person by teaching them things in life and giving money. And unfortunately for the two of them, it does not make these people happy. From the start of the book they both have an association of death and hanging. The deaths of these characters occur within the story. There are certain themes in the book that reappear and are connected to one another. Betrayal is an important theme, it occurs when Pip is ungrateful at Magwitchs return, and when Estellas marries a man who does not actually love her. Another theme is secrecy, like Magwitch and Mollys affair resulting in Estella. As many other stories, love is an important theme in the book whether it is between family members; like Joes love for Pip and Magwitchs love for Pip and Miss Havershams love for Estella or love between partners; like Molly and Magwitchs affair and Pips love of Estella. Dickens tries to convey his views about crime and punishment in Great Expectations having endured unlawful punishment in his earlier life. In the novel it can be interpreted as both a good and bad thing. On the one hand it seems cruel and unlawful because the law does not always take account of the individual needs of a case. Readers would have seen this in Chapter fifty-four when Magwitch is arrested. We know that he has transformed from genuinely being a troublemaker to becoming a better person. We may already feel sorry for him because of Pips reaction when he comes back but for society to consider him guilty when what he really deserves is a thank-you makes it all the worse. Dickens tries to show that crime can be committed lawfully in a number of situations like for life and death (Pip stealing the food and file) for loved ones (Magwitchs return) and for reputation (Pips debt after trying to impress Estella with the clothes. On the other hand the law is shown to have its good points too. After all, it is used to keep everybody in order and ensure people live in a safe environment. One example is when Pip gets into trouble for his debt. It puts him back in his place and so he can realise that he should stop being greedy with his money- Pip gets into debt trying to impress Estella with the clothes. Readers could think it was a sign for him to realise that he should stop chasing after her. Getting into trouble for committing a crime can teach you a lesson, and the ability to change and become a better person in society may even be better than always achieving things at the same rate throughout your life. Magwitch was the person at the start who was breaking the laws and so on yet by the end of the book he has shown himself to be possibly one of the loveable characters in the novel. Another important theme in the novel is the idea of social status. There was great variation in wealth and status in the time at which Great Expectations was written yet even within people with of the same range of wealth there were noticeable differences. Neither Pip nor Magwitch are rich yet at least Pip has a house and is told by Magwitch that he had fat cheeks. We learn also that working class in those days were hard workers and always had determination whether it meant to have a decent way of living or simply by means of survival. The book shows that you can earn money but not necessarily be rich and interestingly you do not have to earn any money to become rich and have a high status. In the end, this may not be good for either person. We realise this when Magwitch earned many riches but gave it all to Pip, who had not worked at all. Readers may feel that it was Magwitch who deserved the money. Language is an important element to the novel. In the first chapter we get the impression that Pip is talking about himself as a child, because he refers to himself as being childish and small and it sounds as if the scene was remembered in an exaggerated way. This already gives readers the impression that he is altogether unsure about himself. Magwitch comes on to the scene using dialogue-in a short and abrupt sentence shocking Pip and the reader. In the paragraph that Pip is describing Magwitch, the sentences become longer and longer giving the impression that he is increasing in fear as he becomes more aware of him. Despite all this, there is an element of humour. The fact that Pip is in a graveyard and he is being threatened to be killed is ironic and the image of a little boy being rocked backwards on a gravestone with every sentence is sort of symbolic, certainly humorous. When Pip hurries to bring back the food later on, he almost believes that the animals like the cow know that he is stealing. This use of exaggeration is not because Pip is trying to show off about the story, but because he is very fearful. This makes the readers feel sorry for him. Pip finds Magwitch still hugging himself and limping. Use of repletion gives the effect that Magwitch is desperate and patient. Imagery is used when Magwitch eats. Pip compares the way Magwitch devours his food to a dog, illustrating that he is bad mannered and hungry but also, in a way thankful that he has the food. Pip is quite observant of Magwitch to be like this, so he may already be starting to like him. There is often the use of pathetic fallacy associated with Magwitch. When we are first introduced to him it is rainy and just before he appears later in the book Pip describes the bad weather; how it is wet, muddy and cold. Pip has no idea who the mystery person is but the reader may be able to identify him as being Magwitch because of his familiar dialogue and abrupt, simple sentences. It is ironic how Magwitchs good intentions only made Pip more miserable than he should have been, even though it was he who may have saved Magwitchs life at the start. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Great Expectations section.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

You decide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

You decide - Essay Example Additionally, the club hosts a tournament for adult players on Sunday afternoons. Members of the Sun Devil Chess Club at ASU also compete with students from other colleges in tournaments such as the Pan American Team Chess Championship for intercollege. Membership of the club ranges from freshmen to seniors, the club is open to everyone that is interested in playing chess either professionally or for fun, as long as they are a student at ASU. The ASU Chess Club provides a variety of learning opportunities to its members which ranges from receiving reviews at the end of tournament competitions, to teaching new recruits the core rules of the game. Chess is a fun educational sport that broadens the mindset of a person. In terms of social aspects, the game enhances mental capabilities through intricate strategy maneuvers and obstacles while improving creativity levels among the players. For young minds, there can be no greater sport than chess to broaden your horizon socially and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Compare and contrast different computers and smartphones Coursework

Compare and contrast different computers and smartphones - Coursework Example This monitor was good for my needs since VGA is outdated, HDMI is the new technology that I was looking at. My CPU is pretty solid as it has HP ProDesk 400 Desktop PC . It has an Intel Core i5-4670 with 1 TB hard drive storage and processing capability of 8GB. I picked this system because it is fast, robust, and has a lot of storage capability. This will allow me to have mass storage with 1TB and processing power if I wanted to upload would be supplemented with fast processing 8 GB. I wanted a 64-bit because it would enable my computer to have speed. The biggest benefit of having the HP ProDesk is that 1TB of storage. Since I have to deal with a lot of storage capabilities this becomes a focal point. The i5 is one of the best processors in the market right now which makes it have supreme capabilities. Anytime a user buys equipment, it is necessary to be aware of the pricing with the necessary specs. I went for a company such as ASUS for monitors because of the price. However, when it came to desktop- it was evident I needed to use something that was much more functional even if it meant to spend more money. Shop online for your ideal laptop, ultra book, or tablet. What will it cost? From where will you buy it? Why did you pick this particular computer vendor? Describe this system are far as the CPU, memory, busses, ports, hard drive, wireless networking, battery life, and screen including resolution and size. What features were most important to you? I bought a $661.83 HP Probook from Tigerdirect, which was an i5 and it was great for all my working purposes. The i5 again gives me supreme functioning capabilities. In addition, the laptop is lightweight, around 5lbs. One thing to be incognizant is that 64 bit RAM is pretty decent as well. The battery life is up to 5 hours, which makes it very feasible when I have to go to work or use for personal

Challenges IT Managers face when moving to cloud computing Research Paper

Challenges IT Managers face when moving to cloud computing - Research Paper Example As a result, many IT managers are cautious in adopting and moving to the cloud because of the challenges thereon including potential vendor lock-in and security concerns. These challenges are mostly non-technical since they are concerned with how existing management, policies, processes and employees are affected by a move to the cloud (Beheshti, 2011). For IT managers, a move to the cloud is potentially a disruptive process to the current workplace. For instance, an IT manager for an organization who in the past decade has been patching OSs, locking down data center hardware, securing applications and developing disaster recovery plans would be in rush of moving on to the cloud (Holtsnider & Jaffe, 2012). They will be faced with the question of SLAs-Service Level Agreements; this is because, if proper care is not taken, some SLAs may lock them into remaining with a cloud provider that does not meet expectations. IT managers need to understand what level of services they can rely on when moving to the cloud. Secondly, there is the question of application security; protection of clients and organizations data is on top of any IT manager’s priority list. IT managers, therefore, have the responsibility of checking the security standard of any cloud service they intend to employ. Cloud computing offers very many choices with reg ards to applications or software the company needs to use, as a result, a choice dilemma arises. IT managers, when moving to the cloud are faced with the issue of loss of control and reliability issues. Other challenges include the need of creating cost-reflective charging and metering of service consumption; managing service brownouts and blackouts; architecting frictionless, pure virtualized services and applications that are easily scalable (Molen, 2010). Despite these challenges, there are several benefits that IT managers derive from

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Qualitative Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Qualitative Research Proposal - Essay Example The employees will be informed of the scope of the research and their consent sought before sampling 137 participants through stratified random sampling. Data will be analyzed by the researcher’s rationale before coding and application of SPSS software for descriptive statistics and comparisons. Application of the software reduces probability of bias. Ethical issues such as nonmalefecence, beneficence, justice, autonomy, and fidelity are expected to arise during the research process and measures have been taken to observe the ethical principles. ‘Effects of drug abuse on domestic violence’ is my topic of interest. The topic’s independent variable is consumption of drugs and is measurable on two scales, consumption, or non-consumption of drugs, and participants’ level of consumption of drugs. The dependent variable is experienced domestic violence with the drug users as victims or perpetrators of the violence. The proposed research aims at ascertaining an assumption of a relationship between drug abuse and domestic violence and the extent to which consumption of the substances contribute to the violence. The relationship between drug abuse and domestic violence has been widely explored for possible solutions. It has for example been established that victims of drug abuse have violent behaviors that they express in their domestic set ups. A research to investigate existence a relationship between drug abuse, violence, and suicide reported history of violent behavior, which can manifest in homes, among a significant percentage of drug addicts, about 75 percent. This indicates that substance abuse is a major factor to domestic violence (Ilgen and Kleinberg, 2011). Drug addicts with violent behaviors in domestic set ups however restrain from the behavior upon rehabilitation but resumes violence when they relapse to substance abuse. This is according to a research that investigated the relationship between relapse to

Classroom management strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Classroom management strategies - Essay Example But teaching and learning was considered as a divine thing earlier. The teachers were considered as â€Å"Gurus† earlier and apart from the parents, they were the most influential persons in the life of a student. Classroom is considered to be another place where the scientific management principles are required now because of the immense changes happened in the student-teacher relationships. Disruptive children often create problems for the teacher in managing the class. Kellie Hayden, a famous teacher of 16 years of experience, in her article ‘Top Five Classroom Management Strategies’ argues that, a simple question like â€Å"Are you OK?† can make lot of changes among the disruptive students. For example, hyper activity among children often considered due to lack of care from the parents. Such children will engage in some kind of activities in the class which may trouble the teacher and the fellow students. The teacher should take extreme care while managing such disruptive students. The teacher must try to identify the reason for his disruptive behavior. The teacher should never question the problematic student in front of his colleagues; instead he should be taken to another place where the privacy can be guaranteed and ask him â€Å"Are you okay†? That student may have lack of care from the parents and when the teacher enquires about his well being, he may feel some confidence in the teacher and will open his closed faculties of mind. In a private environment only the disruptive student may open his heart and will tell the truth about the reason why he became disruptive. The teacher’s smooth, calm and encouraging behavior may force him to think about the problems he has caused to the teacher and the class and may refrain from such behavior in future. It is important to maintain privacy while dealing with the problematic students Gene Van Tassell, in his article ‘Classroom management’ wrote that â€Å"control of students by teachers tends to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Qualitative Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Qualitative Research Proposal - Essay Example The employees will be informed of the scope of the research and their consent sought before sampling 137 participants through stratified random sampling. Data will be analyzed by the researcher’s rationale before coding and application of SPSS software for descriptive statistics and comparisons. Application of the software reduces probability of bias. Ethical issues such as nonmalefecence, beneficence, justice, autonomy, and fidelity are expected to arise during the research process and measures have been taken to observe the ethical principles. ‘Effects of drug abuse on domestic violence’ is my topic of interest. The topic’s independent variable is consumption of drugs and is measurable on two scales, consumption, or non-consumption of drugs, and participants’ level of consumption of drugs. The dependent variable is experienced domestic violence with the drug users as victims or perpetrators of the violence. The proposed research aims at ascertaining an assumption of a relationship between drug abuse and domestic violence and the extent to which consumption of the substances contribute to the violence. The relationship between drug abuse and domestic violence has been widely explored for possible solutions. It has for example been established that victims of drug abuse have violent behaviors that they express in their domestic set ups. A research to investigate existence a relationship between drug abuse, violence, and suicide reported history of violent behavior, which can manifest in homes, among a significant percentage of drug addicts, about 75 percent. This indicates that substance abuse is a major factor to domestic violence (Ilgen and Kleinberg, 2011). Drug addicts with violent behaviors in domestic set ups however restrain from the behavior upon rehabilitation but resumes violence when they relapse to substance abuse. This is according to a research that investigated the relationship between relapse to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Losing Power of Successful Economic Justice Models Essay - 1

Losing Power of Successful Economic Justice Models - Essay Example The barriers to the effective implementation of the fair trade movements all the time act as the reason for the power loss of the entire system. Considering. The consequence of the situation is that the co-operatives ultimately have to buy coffee at higher prices from the farmers and they are bound to sell the same coffee at lower prices to the importers of the foreign countries (Jeff, 2011). Â  Another major challenge of the fair trade movement as identified from the Fair Trade coffee case is that of the lack of knowledge being preserved by the producers of coffee. The reason of the lesser known among producers is primarily the co-operatives’ organization and processes. The producers possess almost zero or minimal knowledge about the fair trade movements because they seldom receive any training from the representatives of the Fair Trade. In certain cases, the producers themselves are the catalysts who worsen the situation of lesser information. This happens through their reluctance towards attending assemblies of the co-operatives and other similar events. Â  As the market for coffee is cyclical, the prices of this commodity fluctuate greatly. With the growth in the rates of conventional coffee, the obligations towards the channels of Fair Trade deteriorate. The Fair Trade Coffee depicts that with this scenario in concern, the producers fail to operate effectively because of the difference between the prices cited by the co-operatives and that prevailing in the market decreases (Murray, Raynolds, & Taylor, 2003). Â  

Exercises Essay Example for Free

Exercises Essay I think it is an appropriate metaphor. Brain has the faculty of talking, laughing, crying, thinking and so forth. Without brain, human cannot exist. In the similar way, engine performs all the functions in the vehicle. The car is consisted of more than 20,000 parts. Even though it is not small number, it is nothing when it compared to the human neuron system. Anyway, neuron system is controlled by brain, of course, car parts are controlled by engine. Therefore, when there is a little bit damage at any part of the brain, specific features cannot be operated. It is the same story about the vehicle. There are four evidences. First, if placing an object in the sprit brain patients hand, left-right asymmetry observed. Second, when showing an image in the sprit brain patients visual field, the asymmetry is observed. Third, dichotic listening test shows language is lateralized. Left hemisphere is superior for linguistic stimuli such as syllable however right hemisphere is superior for nonverbal stimuli such as environmental sounds. Finally, the corpus callosum makes the two halves become two different mental spheres. The answer is NO. The evidence is provided by the patterns of neuronal activity in people reading different kinds of writing. For instance, Japanese language has two systems of writing. One is kana which is based on the sound system of the language. The other system, kanji, is not based on that system. Japanese with left hemisphere damage are impaired in their ability to read kana, while people with right hemisphere damage are impaired in their ability to read kanji. Plus, experiments suggest that the right hemisphere is better and faster than the left hemisphere at reading kanji, and vice versa.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Police UK Force

Police UK Force Evaluating the Moral Justification of Force in the UK Police Consequentialism and the Use of Deadly Force Among Police Personnel in the UK Against a backdrop of a democratic society, the use of deadly force by the police in countries such as the UK seems implausible for human rights activists. First, police officers are expected to uphold the human rights of every individual hence, civilian rights are always preserved even in criminal cases where the due process of law is considered to be the golden standard in the judicial system. Thus, threading the line between regulations and policies of the agency as well as the ethical and moral dilemma in the use of deadly force predisposes police officers to question the legitimacy as well as the moral justifications in their use of deadly force. While several philosophical theorists have argued for different justifications through philosophical theories, the theory of consequentialism appears to be the one that closely justifies the use of deadly force among the police. Before examining the moral and ethical arguments for the use of deadly force using the consequentialist paradigm, let us first examine the important aspects of deadly force and the use of it by the UK police. First, deadly force as defined by Geller and Scott (23) pertains to the force reasonably capable of causing death or bodily harm. According to this definition, an act that can kill should be consumated before it can be considered as a deadly force hence; threats are not considered to be within the parameters of this scope. The use of deadly force according to Kappeler, Kraska and Marron (3) falls within emergency situations such as in hostage taking, shooting randomly, pursuance of a police officer of unarrested criminal and other similar incidences. Consequently, in the UK, police officers are given the discretion to determine if the suspect poses a threat to the police officer or the public. In the pursuit of these suspects, police officers are given the power to use deadly force through probably cause of harm. The courts decide whether the use of deadly force is justified or not and in some cases, police officers are charged because their use of deadly force is considered to be unjustifiable. Hence, there is a very thin line separating the justification of the use of deadly force from an act that is unjustified. The ethical and moral dilemma of police officers therefore rests not only on the regulations of their agency but on their analytical and ethical decision. Thus, the pursuit of the philosophical theory that can best justify the use of deadly force ensues. Consequentialism has been considered as one of the more important theories in justifying the use of deadly force by the police primarily because of its consideration of the consequences of a given act. In contrast with other theories that uses the nature of the act itself (deontology) or the goodness of the wrongness of the act or whether it is a good virtue or not (virtue ethics), consequentialism considers the aggregate value of the act based on the summation of its consequences- if it benefits the greater number of people, then it is considered to be morally justifiable. It should be noted that consequentialism has different forms such as the act consequentialism and the rule consequentialism. In this paper both types of consequentialism will be explored. The Ethico-Moral Principles of Consequentialism: Implications in Use of Force First, the use of deadly force is essential in policing and in providing a higher value for the consequences of the actions. Some writers do posit that the use of force is essential and central in policing. Skolnick and Fyfe, in their recent book on the topic, frankly contend: No matter how many warnings may be issued by superiors about limitations on the use of force, no matter how much talk about policing as a profession, police training continually reminds recruits that coercive power is a central feature of police life. (Skolnick and Fyfe, 95) They claim that such force will remain an inevitable component of policing.(Skolnick and Fyfe, 37) Vance McLaughlin similarly asserts that although the use of force by police is not as frequent as the public may imagine, police officers routinely use force to carry out their role as enforcers. His view is that the use of force is inherent in the profession just as legitimate force is an essential ingredient in maintaining an ordered society (McLaughlin, 1). Accordingly, in every nation today, law enforcement officers possess the right to use force (McLaughlin, 7) Lawrence Sherman maintains a comparable perspective in saying: Force is the essence of criminal justice, just as the monopoly on the legitimate use of force is the essence of the nation-state (Sherman, 37). Second, the use of force by the police is legitimized by the concept of the greater good for the greatest number- a concept that is used not only in democratic countries such as the UK but also in moral arguments. For instance, several studies both in domestic and international political and security arena have provided extensive justifications for the use of force using the consequentialist paradigm. For instance, in the study of Whitley (24), the author argued that preventive war to crimes produces more good than evil and hence, similar to the study of Yoo (730), the use of force is self-defense and in defense of society is a just war and is therefore legitimate. Hence, in the same vein, any person who is poised to commit a crime against the society necessarily invokes the right of governing institutions such as the police force to enforce security and safety of the greater good. Within this argument, the virtue of an act or the use of force by the police is justified by the preser vation of security within the society. This argument presupposes that the consequence of the use of force by the police would lead to greater security and hence, deterrence of violence which leads to better quality of life for the people in this case, British citizens. The use of force by the UK police was born out of threats to public safety. Neyroud (252-253) outlining the history of the UK police force has argued that the baton-days before the 1980s was inadequate in protecting the public against public criminals such as in the case of the Hungerford Shootings and the Thames Valley where an armed man started to shoot in random killing two person and one injury. Hence, according to Neyroud (253), the public expectations of the police and the use of force has been a dilemma for the UK police- is the use of deadly force justified? Accordingly, according to the Thames Valley Police (1) argued that it is justified because it protected not only the police officers but also the public. This kind of threat cannot be allowed in a society because it lessens the confidence of the people on the police as well as on their own neighborhood. Hence, shooting a person who is out to kill others by virtue of the consequence of killing innocent people and police of ficers is justified because the death of the criminal would mean sparing the lives of innocent people and in the process restoring the peace needed by the greater number of people. Third, the use of deadly force by the police is justified because of the framework of defending ones self and defending others within the society. Within this frame, Kaufman (24) argues that the morality of people is subjected to a higher authority- in this case, the police force represents the society to which social contract is established among its citizens. According to Gentili (16), regulations are always backed with force- this type of force whether deadly or not is legitimate because people who have committed crimes to others and the society ultimately obliterate their human rights. Hence, in violating the rights of others and the public, criminals who are subjected to the use of deadly force essentially, forego their own human rights. Hence, while even the UN Charter would consider the use of deadly force as the last resort, it recognizes that political and judicial means are not always responsive in defending its citizens thus, the inherent use of deadly force in self-defens e cases are permitted (Yoo, 738). Consequently, the use of deadly force is more prevalent in the United States than in the UK because of the reason of self-defense. The use of deadly force is mostly applied to cases considered to be of extreme nature such as the murder of police officers, firearm robberies and homicide of the general population (Parent, 230). Within the consequentialism paradigm, the consequence of self-defense is morally justifiable because the police use of force is within the boundaries of their discretion- it is easier for the society to accept the shooting of the criminal who is about to kill a police officer or an innocent bystander than the police officer or the bystander being killed by the offender (Levy, 28). Similarly, consequentialism justifies the use of force through the argument that its use can deter the incidence of crime for the greater good of society. For instance, consequentialism is an agent-neutral term (Huigens, 944) that judges an action based on the value of a decision. For instance, if a police officer shoots a hostage taker, the police officer is essentially choosing between the life of the innocent hostage and the hostage taker. In these cases, the decision is weighed based on the value of the decision for the persons involved and the society in general. The dilemma for the police officer therefore is whether to risk the life of the hostage victim or take action and shoot the hostage taker. While negotiations in this type of situations are first used, the use of deadly force is considered as an important last resort if all things fail. As long as the police officer had exhaustive other means, then, the use of deadly force does not violate the protocols of police power a nd regulations in UK policing. Fourth, the use of deadly force is not used in the consequentialist theory sparingly but rather on the grounds that the consequence is still the best alternative. For instance, Paul Ramsey (144), a thinker who often concentrates on war issues rather backhandedly mentions the police when illustrating just war principles. Ramsey argues that the just use of political violence in warfare must include two principal elements: 1) a specific justification for sometimes killing another human being; and 2) severe and specific restrictions upon anyone who is under the hard necessity of doing so. Both are exhibited, says Ramsey (144) in the use of force proper to the domestic police power. Accordingly, police officers distinguish between aggressor, victim, and bystanders; and though an officer may hit some innocent party accidentally, it would never be right for him or her to enlarge the target and deliberately, or directly, kill any number (Ramsey, 187). Ramsey grounds this justification of such limited use of force upon what he identifies as social charity, in which the Christian, or anyone else for that matter, is called to love the neighbor by protecting him or her from the other aggressive neighbor who has chosen to become an enemy. Although Christians are called to love the enemy as well, Ramsey asserts that when choice must be made between the perpetrator of injustice and the many victims of it, the latter may and should be preferredeven if effectively to do so would require the use of armed force against some evil power (Ramsey, 143) In this way, Ramsey maintains that restraint in the use of force is still necessary in order to respect and, indeed, love the alleged perpetrator. While this is the only point at which Ramsey devotes any attention to the context of law enforcement, it is noteworthy that it is a pivotal illustration upon which he bases the rest of his work concerning the justification of war. The use of force often reflects an on-the-spot decision made by the police officer on the scene. The officer must quickly assess the situation and take proper action. So many factors may come into play that guidelines, restrictions, and laws may seem too vague to be of practical use to the officer; the use of force is thus difficult to control.(Skolnick and Fyfe, 38) Yet, with more and more precision and uniformity, most recent guidelines and laws attempt to check excessive force and provide assistance to police by admonishing them that they should use no more force than is necessary or reasonable or that such force should be used only as a last resort. In this way, they echo the language of just war thinking, with its fundamental posture of restraint. The final criterion comes under the heading of right consequences in an objective sense, which is the goal or end that is sought. This is usually justified in terms of the global common good. It ordinarily consists in bringing about a lasting peace, and also includes consideration of the enemys real best interests. In the case of police, Malloy maintains that they may use the full force available to them only when they are convinced that the common good is being served (Malloy, 14). Therefore, the most objective goal of any officer in a physical confrontation is to have an opponent cease and desist from further resistance (McLaughlin, 85 ) The test of such a stance is taking someone as prisoner or, in other words, arresting him rather than using more force than is necessary. The best interests of all, including the alleged perpetrators, are to be kept in view, thereby maintaining the overall common good of society. The use of force should be used only with the greatest restraint and only after discussion, negotiation and persuasion have been found to be inappropriate or ineffective. While the use of force is occasionally unavoidable, every police officer will refrain from unnecessary infliction of pain or suffering and will never engage in cruel, degrading or inhuman treatment of any person. Hence, the use of deadly force as a last resort by the police involves due process or procedural integrity that qualifies both ad bellum and in bello criteria. On this criterion, sufficient time should be allowed for processes of negotiation and the exercise of diplomacy. Applying this notion to the police predicament, officers should exhaust all other possible methods for controlling a conflictive situation before resorting to the more severe levels of force.(Malloy, 13) Only when all else fails should a police officer resort to a higher degree of force. Admittedly, this is an onerous call for the police officer to make in a tense situation, such as a domestic conflict. Yet, this is precisely why there is a need for clearer principles and rules, as well as prior training to clarify and instill them. Implications on Act Consequentialism and Rule Consequentialism Consequentialism contends that an act is justified if the consequence is greater than the product if the deadly force has not been committed. Police officers who usually fall into the dilemma of using deadly force can use the philosophical ground of consequentialism as a rationale or justification for their decisions. However, police officers should be cautious in doing so. First, rule consequentialism necessitates that the police officer considers not only the consequence of the action but also the regulations of the UK police force. In doing so, it is important that police officers studies the protocols governing emergency situations where the discretion of police officers is called upon to decide whether the use of deadly force is necessary or not. Cases have it that there is a very thin line separating the legitimacy or the rightness and wrongness of a police officers decision to use deadly force. Hence, police officers would need to quickly appraise the situation vis a vis the regulations of the agency. On the other hand, act consequentialism would consider that the use of deadly force is justified only if it is morally right and if the act maximizes the good. Hence, it is important that the consequence of the action would yield greater good than harm to the personsl involved. An important philosophical discussion in this would be, on what perspective would the consequence be considered as maximized? The answer would be to the society. The society is considered as the barometer of the goodness or the wrongness of an act. Considering the greatest consequence would be to consider to the fate of the society. If for instance, a police officer shoots at a person who is shooting randomly, the police officer would be more or less justified in shooting down the person in order to save his self and the innocent citizens. Second, rule consequentialism considers the use of deadly force as the last resort in dealing with emergency cases. For instance, in hostage taking, the use of negotiations and diplomacies are considered to be the primary criteria among the police officers. The use of deadly force is only considered as a last resort or when all other means have been exhausted and failed. Police agency protocols also calls for the same prioritization. On the other hand, act utilitarianism would consider the maximal impact of the act. For instance, if the act had greater value for the society, then, it is considered to be good. Consequentialism would consider that police officers are capable of fulfilling the training and the analytic requirements in order to make a morally justifiable claim or decision would be explored in the next chapter. References Kaufman, Whitley. Whats Wrong with Preventive War? the Moral and Legal Basis for the Preventive Use of Force. Ethics and International Affairs. Volume 19: Issue 3. 23-30, 2005. Yoo, John. Using Force. University of Chicago Law Review 71 (Summer 2004), pp. 729-345. Neyroud, Peter. Use of Force. Policing. Volume 1, Issue 3: 252-254, 2007. Gentili, Alberto. De Jure Belli Libri Tres (1612), trans. John C. Rolfe (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1933), bk. I, ch. XIV. Levy, S., The Educational Equivalence of Act and Rule Utilitarianism†, in Hooker, Mason, and Miller, (eds.), pp.   27-39, 2000. Parent, Rick. The Police Use of Deadly Force: International Comparisons. Volume 79, Issue 3: 230-237, 2006. Huigens, Kyron. The Dead End of Deterrence, and Beyond. Wlliam and Mary Law Review. Volume 41, Issue 3. 943-957, 2000. Geller, W.A., and M.S. Scott. Deadly Force: What We Know. Washington, DC: Police Executive Research Forum, 1992. Kappeler, V.E., Kraska, P.B. and Marron, J.E. â€Å"Police Policing Themselves: The Processing of Excessive Force Complaints.† Paper, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, MA, March 1995. Ramsey, Paul. The Just War: Force and Political Responsibility 144 pages, 1968. Skolnick, J. and Fyfe, J. Above the Law: Police and Excessive Use of Force, 1993. McLaughlin, V. Police and the Use of Force: the Savannah Study, 1992. Sherman, L. Ethics in Criminal Justice Education, 1982. Malloy, E. The Ethics of Law Enforcement and Criminal Punishment, 1982.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Governmental Structures Essay -- essays research papers

As I began to create my ideal world, I realized that what I wanted was a mix of three different governments/cultures. I wanted (and still do) a government truly of and for the people. I also wanted a government that was minimalist, one that made sure there was some kind of order and peace, but one that was well, personal, while not interfering too much with the rights of it's citizens. Additionally, I wanted a government that would allow private industry, small businesses, and limited corporations. This government would regulate the economy by being in charge of major industries and the minimum wage. This government would even the playing field for everyone who wanted to play on it. Education would be excellent, but driven by the wants of the individual. Basically, I wanted a government that did not fit well into any of Stewart's categories. Please forgive me if this essay sounds vague at times, because without being able to mimic typical governments, my nation is difficult to describe in the way Stewart describes what has been before. My nation is neither Democratic Socialist, nor Radical Liberal, nor Anarchist (though I would have loved to created an Anarchist culture, I was afraid to, after all, I am a child of the Regan years) I suppose you'll just have to read along and discern what type of government this is by how I describe it. In my previous "My Way" essay, I described a world in which a person was taken care of by the government and themselves throughout their lives. Because of effective birth control methods implemented in the year 2000, the population of the United States decreased slowly, allowing for more change to take place because there were basically fewer people to complicate the change in governmental structure. From birth until death, a citizen was covered by the national health care system. This national system included all hospitals and doctors under in 2050, a medical "umbrella" for the entire nation. As life continued for a citizen of America in 2050, he or she would enter into their local school system, based upon Montessori-style education. Within 12-14 years, they would graduate with the experience of a semester abroad and an Associates degree. The school system isn't based so much upon technological advances as it is by fundamental changes in the way the sc... ...en lives a healthy life, one in which they are physically able to achieve his or her goals. As a citizen in 2050, a person has the right to an excellent education, made possible for everyone because of the smaller amounts of students in schools. The paradigms of 2050 create a community in which people see each other as equals and this creates more harmonious interaction between individuals. The structure of nationalized industries produces products that are inexpensive and efficient. The new structure of government allows regular people to communicate with and effect government without selling out to a political party. Perhaps my system isn't perfect, but it is the best possible idea I can conceive of right now. I just wanted to create a system that would in turn, create a community of individuals who really cared about each other. In each of the systems I looked at, I found good and bad points, so I took as many of the good points from all of them to create the best system I could. So, this is my system; one in which healthy, educated people live together in a community, supported by a system of checks and balances, which keep a just and stable government

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Magic Realism: A Problem :: Essays Papers

Magic Realism: A Problem "Magic Realism" is a term used by critics to describe a mingling of the mundane with the fantastic. This may seem a straightforward enough approach unless one happens to be a student of postcolonial studies - or at least, a student of postcolonialism should smell a rat. A brief history of the term is required for us to see why the term should be deemed problematical. In 1925 Franz Roh, a German art critic, used the term to describe a new post-expressionistic form that was emerging. Essentially the art described as "magic realism" was realist but was simultaneously possessed of a strange or dreamlike quality. If one were to seek a literary analog - although it is probably better if one did not - the paintings were a non-verbal equivalent of defamiliarization. Essentially, the magic was derived from the painting technique employed by the associated artists rather than the actual content (ultimately it came to be viewed as a kind of down-market surrealism). Later, in 1955, Angel Flores applied the term (with some modification - he referred to it as "magical realism") to Spanish-American writing. Flores put forward Borges as the master of this form and suggested Kafka as a Eurpoean equivalent. In this caase magic realism was distinguished by the fact that its practitioners treated the fantastic as normal, without any sense of surprise or amazement. In summary one could say - somewhat tritely - that Flores' version of magic realism was Dickens with weirdness: 19th century realism dotted with fantastical moments beyond spontaneous human combustion. Gradually Flores' definition was expanded, yet simultaneously narrowed to include folkloric elements. However, this is an over-simplification of the case - these elements came to be regarded as essential. With folklore being considered an integral part of the genre, Borges could no longer be considered a magic realist (instead he could only be considered as part of fantastic literature - although he is now regarded as an essential if early cog in postmodernism's wheel). Perhaps the novel most commonly described as magic realist is Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude. Yet, if one takes the definition as being strictly one which must include folklore, this novel too is shifted into the realms of fantastic literature. Instead, a critic adhering to the term in this way would say that a Garcia Marquez novel such as Chronicle of a Death Foretold, or Love in the Time of Cholera, is a magic realist novel.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hierarchy and power within East and Western enterprises

Hierarchy and power within East and Western enterprises. Introduction Culture is the way we live. It is the clothes we wear, the foods we eat, the languages we speak, the stories we tell, and the ways we celebrate. Culture is also about our roots. Where did our ancestors come from? What do we believe? What makes our lives different from the lives of others? Kalmia, B. (2009). Nations may share civilizations, but they will always be distinct in their culture, since culture defines what they are. Scranton, R. (2007).The globalization of markets and production continues to bring together people room different cultures and countries in culturally diverse organizations. In the field of international management, it is important not only to recognize these diversities, but it is also vital to understand the cultural differences for the purpose of connecting with and motivating knowledge workers. Traditionally, these cultural distinctions have been classified into ‘eastern' and ‘ western' views that widely vary with respect to workplace activities and, more specifically, with respect to knowledge management.With the ‘western' view being more focused on explicit knowledge and tangible individualistic motivational factors, and the ‘eastern' view on tacit knowledge and abstract workplace principles; it becomes evident that management of these different cultural perspectives is becoming increasingly complex yet critical in the global workplace. An understanding of these differing views is therefore necessary for effective management in the international sphere, specifically for providing a means for better cross- cultural understanding and successful knowledge transfer.Management Tasks planning- The goals and objectives Of a company or department are established, as well s determining what actions are needed to achieve. Organizing- organizing actions needed to achieve the goals. Staffing- The task of allocating employees to particular positions withi n the company. Directing- This has to do with leading the organization and its employees towards its goals. Controlling- Monitoring the performance of the company or department is a task for which different cultures may use different systems and approaches.Effect of cultural values on management The way tasks and responsibilities are performed in management can be examined in the light of key number of cultural values. Eight cultural value orientations have a considerable influence on the way managers perform their activities. The eight cultural values which can be called as model of culture is, Time focus (Monochromatic and polymorphic) Different cultures have different perceptions of time according to their environment, history, traditions and general practices. In eastern culture where monochromatic perception of time prevails, time is experienced and used in a linear way. People tend to do one activity at a time. For example in eastern culture, people have the diner and then do the home work or read a book. In western culture where polymorphic time is preferred ,people tend to focus on several tasks and and are less dependent on detailed information when performing these tasks. For example in western culture, people have diner while doing the home work or reading a book. Time focus and management tasks Monochromatic Culture (Eastern perspective) Planning- The focus of activity is more on the task itself and Making schedules.Organizing- The approach used is structured,Linear and task- focused. Staffing- Concerns focused on shorter term. Directing- Managing the inflow and Distribution of detailed information. Controlling- Tendency to Use control systems and strict deadlines. Polymorphic Culture (Western perspective) planning- The focus Of activity is more on relationships when planning. Organizing- The approach is less structured one, More holistic and people- focused. Staffing- Focus on longer term. Directing- Sharing of implicit knowledge/information. Cont rolling- Tendency to use more flexible control systems involving people.Time orientation (past, present and future) Culture focused on the past value the upholding tradition in line with the history of the company and the way it usually does things. Those cultures concerned with the present are out quick results and short-term gain. Those with the view towards the future, plans are assessed in the light of expected future benefit. Power (Hierarchy and Equality) The Power value orientation is to do with the extent to which the less powerful members of a society expect or accept that power is distributed unequally.At work,the level of power and authority are strictly marked out by some eastern cultures oriented to hierarchy. There ,the employees do their work according to the directives of their boss. Len eastern cultures the manager as a separate room from other employees indeed to show up the power distance between the employees and the manager. Companies in west,oriented towards eq uality there will be more informal structures based on expertise focused on certain projects. Len western cultures the manager works at the same table where the other staffs work.This shows the equality between the manager and the staffs. Power and management tasks Hierarchy (Eastern perspective) Planning- More autocratic or paternalistic planning is displayed. Organizing- The Organizational structure is tightly controlled. Staffing- Us borderlines expect bosses to take the initiative to train,developing promote them. Directing- Employees like being closely supervised and feel comfortable with a directive supervisor. Controlling- Employees prefer the personal control Of superiors. Equality (Western perspective) Planning- Employees may implement the plan.More participative planning. Organizing- Organizational structure encourages individual autonomy Staffing- Work relationships should not be strictly prescribed. Directing- Managers exhibit participative or consultative styles. Contro lling- Subordinates develop performance objectives with their bosses. Space (private and public) One aspect of space orientation is related to private or public space. Another aspect related to invisible boundary around every person. The concept of space can be seen in terms Of personality.There can be cultural differences in the relative size of people's public and private spaces and also in the degree to which they feel comfortable sharing those parts of their personality with other people. In Eastern workplace managers and employees do not share the same office ,but in western workplace the location or size of the place here an employee works does not necessarily reflect that persons rank in the company. The influence of personal space at work Private Planning- Forms of planning: individualistic or systematic. Organizing- More task-centered. Staffing- Explicit information about how staff are to be employed.Directing-. Managers and employees do not share the same office Controllin g- Explicit measures of performance public Planning- Group-oriented or authoritative forms Organizing- Relationship-centered approaches Staffing- Implicit information Directing-. Size of the place where an employee works does not reflect the arson's rank Controlling- Managers can use more informal checks on performance Structure (Individualism and Collectivism) Individualism Individualism, can be defined as a preference for a loosely-knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families only.Individualism shows the extent to which cultures elevate the role of the individual over the role of the group. When individualism is valued the â€Å"I† predominates over the â€Å"we† Individual goals, initiative and achievement are most important and people are encouraged to be independent and self-reliant. Collectivism Collectivism represents a preference for a tightly-knit framework in society in which individuals can e xpect their relatives or members of a particular in- group to look after them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty.Most of the Eastern cultures place more importance on personal relationships rather than the task to be performed or the deal to be completed. Example Along with the collectivist nature Of the individuals a team based behavior can be seen in the work place environments in Sir Lankan. Similarly there is a new concept which is identical within the emirates airlines which is known as the Family concept. The boss is the ‘father' and the employees are the ‘children'. The father tells the children what to do but also looks after them and cares for them. The ‘children' do as they are told and show their father ‘respect'.It is a two-way relationship in which all parties benefit. This can be comparable to the team based relationship oriented work place conditions in Sir Lankan. Highly individualist cultures (Western) believe individual is most important unit People taking care of themselves (including immediately family only) Self- orientation Identity based on individual Guilt culture Making decisions based on individual needs â€Å"l† mentality Emphasis on individual initiative and achievement Highly collectivist cultures (Eastern) believe group is most important unit.Expect absolute loyalty to group (nuclear family, extended family, caste, organization) Group orientation Decisions based on what is best for the group. Identity based on social system Shame culture Dependence on organization and institutions (Expects organization / institution / group to take care of individual) â€Å"We† mentality Emphasis on belonging Structure and management task Individualism (western perspective) leaning- It is expected that those involved in planning will take initiative to present their views. Organizing-Tasks assignment and resources allocation.Staffing- Organizations are not expected to look after their employees career devel opment. Directing-Leaders expect employees to meet or exceed their responsibilities. Controlling- Control tends to be exerted by individual standards of excellence. Collectivism (Eastern perspective) Planning- plans are developed within the shared values used for measuring activities in the organizations. Organizing- organizational structures emphasize he group; the team is assigned tasks and resources. Staffing- promotions are are based primarily on seniority.Directing- Leaders expect loyalty in exchange for protection. Controlling- Deviations from standards and expectations is discouraged through group oriented pressure. Conclusion General management and knowledge management theories and practices have to be viewed and reviewed in the context of local cultures. In an organization, the managers bring values, experiences and beliefs that are profoundly rooted in their national cultures. Even the perspective of hat management actually entails varies widely across different national c ultures.The model of culture has been applied to the world of international business and the daily tasks of a manager examined in terms of cultural values. Individual's frame work of cultural preferences influences the way in which their tasks are executed. Management tasks in the firms varies according to the culture Management tasks in western enterprises varies from the management tasks that are carried out by eastern enterprises. Additional studies must be undertaken to have a thorough understanding of the cultural rabbles.Without Andean different perspectives from the traditional and AC opted frameworks, such as Hypotheses dimensions, organizations cannot leverage the strengths of the global economy, which can make the difference between survival and success for today's firms.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Defence Mechanisms Essay

Defence mechanisms are psychological actions brought in by the unconscious mind to change, deny or become a twisted reality. Defence mechanisms are usually referred to as ego defence mechanisms. A defence mechanism forms when anxiety occurs, this then means that the defence mechanisms will be triggered off. All defence mechanisms share two common properties they appear unconsciously and they tend to disfigure, transform a person’s reality. Defence mechanisms occur in some level in every person. Many play important roles in socialization and allowing the way in which people function in society. Others are seen as problems and they show signs of clients developing a dangerous psychological issue. For example regression, this means you return to a childlike state, this defence mechanism can get very dangerous as it can lead to clinical issues. There are many different defence mechanisms such as: Projection- Suggesting that others share the negative beliefs and thoughts you have, making yourself think that everyone thinks like that so it is okay to think like that as well. This can lead to very irrational thoughts. Such as when someone is depressed they then start to believe thoughts that their mind has made up maybe leading them to become suicidal. Displacement- Turning emotion into physical action (aggression) May tend to lash out to get rid of the emotion that have inside. This could lead to putting themselves and others into very serious danger as they could get progressively aggressive. This often occurs in mental health as they don’t know how to deal with certain emotions and situations. Rationalization- Illogical thoughts and explanations for your behaviour. Making up excuses just to get away with it. Making up things that don’t make sense. This could lead to them believing their own thoughts and starting to think they are real, sending them mentally ill. This could be when a doctor/surgeon makes a mistake during a procedure and they try to cover up their mistakes by using excuse and lies. Isolation- Removal of all emotional reactions so they are in emotional denial. Can’t cope with all of the emotion. In a hospital a nurse/doctor could not like a patient because of different beliefs and maybe ersonalities so provides them with different treatment. If someone is in denial then they will force themselves to not believe what they have been told to be true and not accept it. For example a person is diagnosed with a terminal disease, they will not believe it and just block it out so they don’t have to deal with it as they don’t know how to. They are refusing to accept the situation they are in. Eventually that person will have forced it out of their head so much that they generally think it hasn’t happened and it was all just a lie. Regression this is when you return to a childlike state acting immature, for example in a family when a new sibling arrives the other sibling gets jealous so therefore they may start to wet the bed as they want attention as they feel as if the other sibling is getting all of their parents attentions (feeling left out. ) Some people may go to therapy to identify the defence mechanisms that benefit them and work in a good way and also to identify the defence mechanisms that are really dangerous and that they shouldn’t be using.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Freedom from Fear Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Freedom from Fear - Essay Example The fear came as a result of a market crash that led to economic, political and social implications. Poverty, unemployment, deflation, minimal profits and poor personal and economic growth fueled the fear (Bernanke, 2004). The depression signified a time in history where the market dynamics failed to meet the expectations of the American people. The depression trickled down to other parts of the globe causing panic and fear. Furthermore, the depression led to critical, political changes in the United States. This can be explained by the landslide win of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932 (Bernanke, 2000). Lastly,  the depression caused increased emigration due to fear and panic experienced by the American people (Bernanke, 2004). The fear caused by the depression hindered the progress of the American people to a considerable extent. This is because some left the United States because of the deem future they pictured (Bernanke, 2004). Additionally, the economic and social situation presented many challenges that hindered the progress of the American people. However, behind the devastation, the fear helped the American people to regain their confidence and hope for a better future (Bernanke,

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Human Resource Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resource Management - Term Paper Example Many employees are unable to balance their personal life with their work and this mix up is often the leading cause of stress amongst the employees. This also contributes to reduced performance as an employee fails to concentrate in the workplace as a result of the interference with the personal life. If the company is able to provide an environment where employees are able to balance these two different but yet demanding aspects of themselves and blend them to work in unison almost perfectly, then the employees will concentrate more in their work and increase their performance. They will also be in a better position and state of mind to deal with their personal lives and any crisis they may be undergoing without it interfering with their work. Resilience training is where the employees are presented with many different challenges in their workplace in a form of training and are taught how to handle all these challenges without them breaking their work spirit or enthusiasm and without having to show it to their customers as it might affect the feedback. The training is meant to make them much more focused in their work despite what is happening in the surrounding. It will enable them improve their decision making ability in order to enable them make the best decisions at all times. The resilience training is also meant to improve their clarity of problems, crises and challenges in the workplace as well as be more creative and especially when pressed with other matters. Work is done in the same way all the time creates monotony and minimizes or completely kills motivation of the employees in the workplace affecting negatively their performance and productivity of the organization. When the employer creates different opportunities which will make the workplace much more interesting hence reducing the monotony, the employees start valuing and enjoying their work. When employees feel valued and enjoy

Monday, October 7, 2019

Healthcare for the Elderly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Healthcare for the Elderly - Essay Example reece, Germany and Italy, increase in taxes to fund healthcare for the older population and decline in trade and savings as these older population retire from active social participation. These challenges being witnessed today will continue to be witnessed in future unless governments come up with responsive policies to address the situation. The best theory to apply in an ethical dilemma for how best to allocate the limited healthcare resources for an aging population and end-of-life care is utilitarianism (Harris, 1987). The theory holds that the best ethically acceptable action is the one that leads to greatest overall benefits. Accordingly, the practical use of utilitarian will be though the application of Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) as a tool of assessing the total gains from heath care approaches compared to others. The ethical challenges to preparation of this healthcare provision are that utilitarian principle in resource allocation fails to offer an equitable approach of distributing resource (Lockwood, 1988). In addition, it fails to consider the variations in need for health care by focusing only on the benefits to be achieved, yet some groups may be more deserving to be allocated those resources. National Institute on Aging (2007): Why Population Aging Matters. A Global Perspective: National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health And Human Services: Retrieved from:

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Keepers of the Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Keepers of the Future - Essay Example The shortage of well-trained, credible teachers who possess the right personal qualities necessary for preschool teachers is becoming widespread.   Government funds simply cannot provide the proper training for them, much less, the salaries and benefits they need.   Hence, it is a sad reality that many children miss out on the benefits of quality care and education.   More basic than education, health of children all over the world, is likewise at risk, as reported by UNICEF (2008) in its report on the State of the World’s Children 2009.   These articles have impressed upon me a sorry future for today’s young children if people will not move to make it better for them. The shortage of well-trained, credible teachers who possess the right personal qualities necessary for preschool teachers is becoming widespread.   Government funds simply cannot provide the proper training for them, much less, the salaries and benefits they need.   Hence, it is a sad reality that many children miss out on the benefits of quality care and education.   More basic than education, health of children all over the world, is likewise at risk, as reported by UNICEF (2008) in its report on the State of the World’s Children 2009.   These articles have impressed upon me a sorry future for today’s young children if people will not move to make it better for them. Third world countries may suffer a more dire reality, depending on the people’s priorities.   In the Philippine setting, education is seen as a major priority and investment of parents. Hence, many families believe in preschool education.   At least in the metropolis, the country’s growing profiles of dual-income earning families is pushing more and more parents to enroll their young children in preschools instead of leaving them with the household help.   As children turn two years, many parents already go out to choose the right preschool for their toddlers. This cho ice must be seriously made since a wrong choice of preschool may cause more harm than good for the children. Like in the articles, many teachers in the Philippines are not appropriately trained to handle very young children.   Traditional approaches such as lecturing and expecting young children to learn from mere workbooks and rote still prevail.   Although there are a lot of preschools in existence upholding more progressive methods and developmentally-appropriate practices, their market is very limited since such schools tend to charge higher rates.   And even if training is available for teachers in carrying out progressive methods, it is a common complaint among them that administrators of their school are just not open to implementing it because of their resistance to get out of their comfort zones.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Is the French ban on headscarves (al-hijab) in schools a good idea Research Paper

Is the French ban on headscarves (al-hijab) in schools a good idea - Research Paper Example During the period of 2004, the government of France passed a legislation that disallowed individuals from wearing and using any religious symbol in public schools ( 1)1. This move made by the French government has been opposed as well as supported by Muslim and non-Muslim populations France. Around 80% of the people living in France have the ban on hijab (Coleman 1)2. Banning of Hijab is a good idea because The ban on headscarf levied by the government of France is correct because such legislation is consistent with the laws and regulations of human rights. The article 18 of human rights law states that individuals should only be allowed to freely practice their religion if their practice does not coerce or leads to public’s feeling of insecurity ( 1)3. Recently, Muslims have been majorly held responsible for conducting acts of terrorism and due to this the public has started feeling insecure due to the presence of Muslims around them. Individuals even experience fear and mental torture when they see a Muslim female wearing a headscarf in the public. This fear of hijab is recognized as Islamophobia and islamophobia is infringing upon the rights of the student population of France to freely move around without the fear of being attacked ( 1)4. Since headscarf infringes upon other’s right of living a life without fear, headscarf’s ar e against the rules and regulations of human rights and should be continued to be banned in French schools. Another reason due to which France was correct in banning hijab in public schools was to protect the female Muslim student population from being coerced and discriminated against. Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11 Muslims have been heavily discriminated against throughout the world. They are discriminated in organizations, schools as well as in public. They have been beaten up and pushed around in different settings.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Communicate with Clients Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Communicate with Clients - Case Study Example By contrast, a poor communicator will speak non-stop, denying the other party an opportunity to take an active part in the dialogue. Examples of non-verbal dues are facial expressions and eye contact(Daisley-Snow, et al., 2014). Facial expressions reveal the emotions of a person in a powerful way that words cannot. For instance, a person who is surprised may raise their eye-brow. Similarly, when people are sad, they frown and when they are happy they smile. Eye contact is one of the most powerful visual clues (Daisley-Snow, et al., 2014). When one talks to a person and the recipient maintains their gaze into the eyes of the speaker, this is usually taken as a sign of interest. Also, when a person is thinking, they tend to stare far into the distance. These are the tools I would use to build a therapeutic relationship with my client Adonia. In order to get the most of my consultation with Adonia, I would use several listening skills. These would include paraphrasing, summarizing, questioning and the use of encouragers (Bolton, 2009). I would use paraphrasing whenever Adonia would seem uncertain of what they were telling me. In that case, I would paraphrase what they had just said and ask if that was what they meant. I would resort to summarizing if I felt that the client was giving too much information that was not relevant and, therefore, not adding value to the consultation. I would look for appropriate moments then intervene. Such moments would include her pauses. I would intervene by redirecting her to the purpose of the consultation. I would question my client whenever they appeared not sure of whatever they were saying or at moments when they appeared doubtful of me. In the first instance, I would restate what they had just said and ask them if they were sure of it. In the second instance, whenever I sensed doubt through the way she expressed herself facially, I would encourage her to ask me questions so I could clarify points. Encouragers would come